
Sep 20, 2016 20:12
Today, I'd like to talk about the Japanese word "horafuki".

The literal meaning is "a person who blows Hora", and it expresses "a person who exaggerates things" or "a liar".

"Hora" in "horafuki" comes from "horagai" (conch), and you can use it as a wind instrument by boring a hole.

Horagai as a wind instrument is used for avoiding beasts, or giving a cue of march.

This is because horagai can emit a very loud sound than its looks.

From this fact, "hora" came to mean "an unexpected bonanza", and "an exaggerated lie".

By the way, "an exaggerated fiction" is referred to as "horabanashi"(a hora story).







No. 1 davidz's correction
  • Today, I'd like to talk about the Japanese word "horafuki".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The literal meaning is "a person who blows Hora", and it expresses "a person who exaggerates things" or "a liar".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Hora" in "horafuki" comes from "horagai" (conch), and you can use it as a wind instrument by boring a hole.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Horagai as a wind instrument is used for avoiding beasts, or giving a cue of march.
  • Horagai as a wind instrument is used for avoiding beasts, or giving marching signals.
  • This is because horagai can emit a very loud sound than its looks.
  • This is because horagai can emit a very louder sound than its look capable of.
  • From this fact, "hora" came to mean "an unexpected bonanza", and "an exaggerated lie".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By the way, "an exaggerated fuctuib" is referred to as "horabanashi"(a hora story).
  • By the way, "an exaggerated fuctuib" is referred to as "horabanashi"(a hora story).
     don't know what fuctuib should be. It's not an English word
Brilliant work
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
> don't know what fuctuib should be. It's not an English word
Aw, sorry I made a mistake.
I wanted to write "fiction".
No. 2 SophieB's correction
  • Today, I'd like to talk about the Japanese word "horafuki".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The literal meaning is "a person who blows Hora", and it expresses "a person who exaggerates things" or "a liar".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Hora" in "horafuki" comes from "horagai" (conch), and you can use it as a wind instrument by boring a hole.
  • The "hora" in "horafuki" comes from "horagai" (conch): something you can use it as a wind instrument by boring a hole in it.
     Use a colon when the second clause is further describing the first clause.
    たとえば- "I know what scares you: clowns."
  • Horagai as a wind instrument is used for avoiding beasts, or giving a cue of march.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This is because horagai can emit a very loud sound than its looks.
  • This is because horagai can emit a louder sound than its looks capable of emitting.
     Don't use "very louder"; it's a double intensifier, and those are grammatically incorrect.
  • From this fact, "hora" came to mean "an unexpected bonanza", and "an exaggerated lie".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By the way, "an exaggerated fiction" is referred to as "horabanashi"(a hora story).
  • By the way, "an exaggerated story" is referred to as "horabanashi"(a hora story).
     I think "story" would sound more natural than "fiction" in this case.
This was a very informative post. I actually wrote down the word so I can study it later as vocabulary.
Thank you so much for your helpful corrections!
I'm glad if my post could help you (^^)